Saturday, 13 December 2014

[No.15] Research - Analysis Of Camera,Editing,Sound,Mise-en-scene In A High School Drama Title Sequence


"easyA" is a narrative title sequence as it goes straight into the film and starts by having a shot of the beautiful bright sky and tilts it's way down to the street with an establishing shot of the place. There are then many close up shots of some objects like a road sign and the american flag and some fruits to give the audience an idea of what the place is like. It then showed a close up of the high school's name, "Ojei North High School, a California Distinguished School". The scene switched to the school's entrance by using a tilting movement from a closer up tree and tilting downwards to show the school yard and students. The camera was tracking the titles that where integrated with the moving images but at the same time showing us the different social groups as it used slow motion whenever it shows a group of students. This shows that it is a typical high school film as the students are put into social groups. On the last social group, it focuses on the main group of girls who are pretty and stuck up. The camera zooms into all three of them but focuses on the leader of the group and then it tracks her as she walks and bumps into the main character. It tilts from down to up to show her getting back up, this shows encouragement from the main character and gives a hint to the audience that she beat the group of girls. Later on a mid shot is used to show the main character and the friend having a conversation side by side then it changes to an over the shoulder shot when the teacher doing good deeds in front of them. This is because it shows that they are looking at the teacher and it could show that they are fantasising about him. As the main character and her friend was walking, it was viewed as a long shot to show the audience their body language as they walk to give more clues about what type of character they may be. After the scene changed, a wide shot was used to show the friends yard and house. It then changed to a mid shot to show each of the character's faces as they spoke to one another. When the friend's father offered "dessert" to the main character, it was viewed at a low angle to show the detailed facial expression of the main character. Then it went back to a mid shot when the friend's mother accepted the "dessert" and had her chest pressed onto the main characters face. This is because they had to level the chest with her face to show clearly what has happened.


There was not many editing in the title sequence, however there was a few. For example shot/reverse shot was used as the main character has a conversation with her friend and the teacher. It was also used when she spoke to her friends family. The most interesting thing about this title sequence is that there is a flashback in a flashback. The first flashback was when she described her date and why she can't go camping to her friend which then led to the second flashback were she was with her friend and her family eating dinner. This makes the title sequence more interesting but may also confuse the audience.


There was dialogue throughout the title sequence as the main character was narrating and she was also talking to other people. Everyone spoke in an American accent which shows that it is an American base film and was set in America, or California as the narrator said. There was synchronous flowing music through the beginning of the title sequence where the students walk and talk with their friends. However the music stopped when the leader of a girl group bumped into the main character and made her drop her papers. The fact that the music stopped fits perfectly with the scenes as the happy moment ended. Some parts of the talking was diegetic and some parts were non-diegetic. For example when the main character was narrating, that was non diegetic but when she was talking to her friend,teacher and others it was diegetic. Other non-diegetic sounds would be the school bell which was also a foley sound.


The title sequence was set just outside the school buildings and the lighting used was pure sunlight. Clothing defines a person in a high school drama, for example the main character wore long dark clothing to blend in with the crowd and draw no attention to herself where as the friend wore bright short clothes which would imply that she is pretty but may be a slut. The body language also helps define a character because the main character's friend had her hands on her hips which indicates that she's bossy, but the main character stood up straight with some papers in her hands. The props used was a notepad to relate it to school but there was also cigarettes involved in the title sequence which the teacher broke and said "it could lead to unwanted pregnancy" and others which shows that there may be sexual activities involved.

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