Friday, 20 February 2015

[ NO. 43 ] Production - Reflection

The First filming session
On the first filming session we thought we done well and got most of the shots we needed however we did not realise we needed more until we looked at the shots we had on the computer. Our first filming session never go well as we had a lot of footage where the camera was shaking and the angles where the same in most of the shots. This meant we had to go out and film everything from the beginning .

 The second filming session
As we made a production schedule after a first filming session everyone knew what to bring and what they was going to do at what time . It was a very detailed plan.. We stuck to the schedule as much as we could and at the end we realised we the schedule was too tight to do everything we thought we could. This meant some of the group had to do weekend filming .

 Third filming session
On our third filming session we got the hang of things and there wasn't really much for use to film so everything went smoothly . We got all the shots we needed and took more extra shots. However we did have a problem with the fake blood as it looked to fake and as a group we decided we didn't want it to look like that so we had to change our ideas about the filming of the whole body to filming just a hand with blood on it.

The costumes
Every filming session we checked if our costumes represent our characters . For example one of our characters are loud and out going and very popular so she wore the trendy clothes like hooped earring's trainers ripped jeans etc. but another character was kind of nerdy so she wore glasses button up shirts and dolly shoes. Over all i think our costumes represented our characters well

 We decided to film mostly in parks and urban areas and estates because it goes with the theme of our film and the places we went to represent the characters and their lifestyle.

Changes as we went along
 We never really make o changes as we first came up with the idea . As a group we though out idea for our title sequence was very good and we stuck by it.

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